Thursday, May 31, 2012

How to Translate UC Browser

Here a great tutorial for one who wants to translate UC Browser java version from Chinese to any other language. This is a easiest way to translate UC Browser in minutes, no, no even in seconds! This tutorial using the UC.bin Decoder, which makes this possible in a very simple user interface.

The UC.bin Decoder 3.0, which was developed by Sunilsati, a great member and UC Forum staff. And the tutorial taken from his thread in forum. According to him, "After making UC.bin Decoder 2.0, which was the limitation of Chinese Bin only (not support official Bin file). Now in my spare time i try to remove that limitation. my work is Finished and translation of UC.bin is hardly 30 second job to any language. tested with Chinese, English Russian and many more application. Hope you like all changes."

Whats New:
  • New UI
  • Support for Official English and Official Chinese Bin File along with Preview of Bin and Text file.
  • Added Online Google Translation in Application with many Language Option along with Preview of Input and Output Text file.
  • Support for saving in to UTF-8 (for English only) and UTF-16 (GB2312 or any 2Byte Language including English) format along with Preview of Bin and Text file.

Download Application : UC.Bin Decoder (62 KB) 
System Requirement : Windows XP or Higher, .NET framework 4.0
Process : 
This Application works in three phase as previous.
1. Extract strings from Bin file and store it in Text file through Application.
2. Translate Text to other language using online(Google Translate) through application or from Google Translate Site.
3. Convert Text file in to Bin file through Application.

1. Extract Strings:
For Extecting strings from UC.bin, click on Browse UC Bin File, locate Bin file and click Open. Now your bin file will be imported and decoded in text file, then click on Save Text file It will ask for saving path and Text file name, select path and give file name and click on Save.
Done, all strings saved in your given Text file. 
Note : if any thing wrong with bin file, program will not decode and will give error.

2. Translate Text Strings to any other Language:
For translation of strings to any Language in Application, click on Browse Text fileto locate Text file and click Open.
your text file will import. now choose your option from Source Language and Target Language and click on Start Translation and wait until total translation complete (You can also terminate Translation by clicking on Cancel Translation).
Now click on Save Text file, It will ask for saving path and file name, select path and give name and click on Save.
Done, all strings saved in your given Text file. now you can modify this document for any translation error. but make sure don't remove any line even if there is not a single character is there.
Note : if any thing wrong with text file or internet Connection, program will not translate and will give error.

Alternate Option:
you can also translate it using Google translate website by using option translate a document. after translation copy all string back to any text file. now you can modify this document for any translation error. but make sure don't remove any line even if there is not a single character is there.

1. Create UC Bin File:
For creating UC bin from translated Text file, First Choose Proper Encoding from Select Encoding and then click on Browse Text File to locate Text file and click Open. Now your Text file will be imported and Encoded in your given Encoding, then click on Save Bin file It will ask for saving path and file name, select path and give name and click on Save.

Its done now save this bin file back to jar file and Enjoy a translated versions.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

iBrowser 2.5 Handler (En Español)

Hola amigos, les dejo este fantástico navegador, el iBrowser 2.5 en español, la verdad es que es un navegador bien rápido, recuerden que si lo van a compartir, por favor no modifiquen el MANIFEST.MF. Para ver el menú Handler, van a Menú/ Ayuda/ Handler menu. Espero que lo disfruten amigos.
Créditos: a dzebb por el Menú Handler.
BanaShare / Mediafire

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Opera Mini Mod 4.21 Beta 19 (22288) Handler (Español)

Bueno les dejo en español, el Opera Mini Mod 4.21 Beta 19 (22288) Handler, no esta traducido al 100% pero algo es algo, no? jeje, pero bueno, mientras vayan saliendo mas versiones, iré traduciéndolo más he iré corrigiendo algún error de traducción que tenga, así que ya saben amigos, si tiene algún error de traducción me lo hacen saber para así corregirlo y así me ayudan a traducir al 100% este grandioso Opera, bueno sin mas que decir, aquí les dejo los enlaces de descarga, saludos!
Créditos: a dzebb por el Menú Handler.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Facebook Chat by mSonar 1.0.0 Handler

Facebook Chat100 Handler UIScreenshot 1Facebook Chat100 Handler UIScreenshot 2 This app is said could do chat in FB, its been in my pc quite a long time, but I'm a little hesitant to release this coz its not working in PH, I do hope it works in your country, there is a new version 3.1.0 but try it first if it works, then I'll update it. Download:
HandlerUI 2.0.4 FacebookChat100hui204.jar HandlerUI 1.2.5 FacebookChat100hui125.jar

Sunday, May 20, 2012

QQ Browser 2.6 Handler (En Español)

Hola amigos, aquí vengo a dejarles el QQ Browser 2.6 en español. Solo les pido que por favor, si no es mucho pedir, si lo van a compartir por lo menos den crédito y que no modifiquen las URL del MANIFEST.MF, lo único que les pido es eso. Para ver el Menú Handler, tienen que darle a Menú/ Ayuda/ Handler Menu. Bueno sin más que decir, aquí les dejo los links de descarga, cualquier error de traducción me lo hacen saber para corregirlo, que lo disfruten y que pasen buenas tardes, saludos!
Créditos: dzebb por el Menú Handler.
BanaShare / Mediafire

Saturday, May 19, 2012

TVLook 3.3.0 Handler Rus

TVLook 3.3.0 Handler Производитель: AEVUM LLP Русский язык: есть Мы сделали Мобильное Телевидение доступным. Все каналы всего за 60 рублей. Просмотр возможен как по GPRS так и по Wi-Fi. В любое время и в любом месте любимое ТВ в твоем мобильном!
Susbscription Available for Russian Networks only. Download 1 Download 2

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Opera Mini Mod 4.21 Beta 19 (22288) Handler

[Added] b19
  • 17/05/12 Hot "Start / end / beginning of the text," set to the lower border, in neposredsvennom input moves the carriage to the beginning or end of text.
  • 5.6.12 In the long telephone hold button, change the case of direct entry into the field, changing the current layout to the next, except for the disabled in the settings and digital layout.
[Modified] b19
  • 20.5.12 Changing the color scheme - Added setting the text color for the system pages.
  • 17/05/12 If you run the program with an error occurs, you receive a message with the number of steps and an error in this step.
  • 05/14/12 In a direct input to switch the layout of the long '(or # if the file layout as prescribed) is available, and digital layouts.
  • 11.5.12 Changing the algorithm to work with text in a telephone input field. (TEST!)
  • 5.8.12 When the counter in the direct input of characters displayed, "the current line number: the position of the carriage in the line / number of selected characters (total number of lines: the total number of characters)." The number of lines indicates the real line, separated by newlines instead of a string used to display, broken, in addition to line breaks, and even in width.
  • 5.6.12 Replacing the text in the box, the text selected from the list, just enter the address for the server or any server code from the list and enter the address from the list of addresses and to enter a search string in the list of search strings. In other cases, the selected text is added to the existing one.
[Fixed] b19
  • 18.05.12 was turned sort of links in the "Quick Navigation".
  • 17/05/12 Edit to run on the SE.
  • 05/14/12 Edit display a list of Speed ​​Dial in the choice position to save the bookmark to it.
  • 05/14/12 Edit quick navigation.
  • 11.05.12 Optimization for SGold.
  • 05/08/12 When you restore the session, the last opened page is duplicated. If the page can be displayed in the review. it will be shown in it.
  • 5.8.12 Optimization tips directly in the input.
  • 05/08/12 Tip of the hot on the lower border of raised higher.
  • 5.8.12 Exit filemanager after importing settings to not stray path.
  • 05/08/12 Edit avtosmena register directly input.
  • 05/08/12 Edit resume drawing downloads in the status window bootloader.
  • 5.8.12 Edit the definition hints at the link on the page, if the tab before it was opened and closed the file manager.

Download 1 Download 2
Update: The problem to some device has been resolved. Thanks DG-SC

Monday, May 14, 2012

UC Browser 8.3.1 Cloud Version (Test) Handler

UC Browser CLOUD VERSION for Java enters Open Beta Phase now! This version is the cloud experimental version for Javaphones. It can coexist with universal version of uc browser. Features: 1. It has two different kinds of menu mode suitable for touch screen phones and non touchcreen phones. It will bring you new experience. 2. The install pack get smaller in size,and browser will run more smoothly. 3. Automatically match the language data for your browser, no need to choose it manually, and you can switch the language data at any time. 4. Support UDisk. 5. Supports GIF animation. 6. It has App Gallery as new feature. Confirmed Problems: 1. When you go back to the home page from some other page, there would be two hightlights at the same time on the homepage. 2. There are some problem in displaying the folding bar at the home page. 3. If the picture displayed on the page in a large size, and when you scrolling down the page, the screen would be blurred out. 4. When you open the tab list on the Nokia touch-screen phones, some functions cannot work.
Download 1 Download 2

Thursday, May 10, 2012

UC Browser V8.3.0.154 Alpha Handler (En Español)

Hola amigos, les traigo buenas noticias! como pueden ver en la página de Facebook de UC Browcer, dijeron anteriormente, que lanzarían su versión en español y por lo visto ya el idioma español esta disponible, solo tienen que elegirlo y automáticamente se pondrá en español, antes daba error al elegir el idioma español pero ya no, asi que ya eso de estar traduciendo el UC Browser pasó a la historia. Pero de paso aprovecho y lo subo con el menú handler traducido y también les dejare la versión que esta traducida por mi, un saludo a todos!
Créditos: dzebb por el Menú Handler.
BanaShare (ultima versión)          Mediafire (ultima versión)
UC Browser V8.3.0.154           UC Browser V8.3.0.154
BanaShare (versión anterior)       Mediafire (versión anterior)
UC Browser V8.0.3.99             UC Browser V8.0.3.99

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

fbchat 1.0 Handler

Monday, May 7, 2012

qeep 2.12 Handler

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Opera Mini mod v.4.21.18(22153) Русский Handler

[Добавлено] b18
  • 02.05.12 Подсказка по выбранной горячей на нижнем бордюре.
[Изменено] b18
  • 05.05.12 Выделение текста при входе в поле ввода при переименовании в ФМ и FTP - только имя, исключая расширение.
  • 05.05.12 Изменения создания и обработки команд.
  • 05.05.12 Выделение текста при входе в непосредственный ввод отключается в настройках текста.
[Исправлено] b18
  • 05.05.12 Правка правки обработки типа поля ввода на странице.
  • 05.05.12 Правка копирования текста непосредственно со страницы.
  • 05.05.12 Если верхние пункты меню располагались на месте бордюрных язычков, то эти пункты в меню не выбирались.
  • 05.05.12 Правка создания изображения номера ссылки для быстрой навигации.
  • 05.05.12 Правка обработки типа поля ввода на странице.
  • 05.05.12 Подсказка по горячим на нижнем бордюре появлялась и после отпускания.
  • 05.05.12 Правка обработки команд в телефонном поле ввода.


Friday, May 4, 2012


Hi, enjoy these... JAROpmod41b1822105hui203.jarOpmod421b1822048hui203.jarQQBrowser26hui202.jarMarkets10hui202.jarUc830154hui202.jarRockeTalk12hui202_touch.jarIbrowser25hui202.jaribiboFarms10hui202.jarRocketalk713hui202_notouch.jarAyukurssreader064hui202.jarZIPOpmod421b18(22105)hui203.zipOpmod421b18(22048)hui203.zipQQBrowser26hui202.zipMarkets10hui202.zipUC830154hui202.zipiBrowser25hui202.zipRockeTalk712hui202_Touch.zipibiboFarms10hui202.zipRockeTalk713hui202_NoTouch.zipAyukuRSSReader064hui202.zipIts a delayed post. You can share the links.[Handler] Opera Mini Mod 4.21 Beta 18 (22105), UC Browser Alpha, Ayuku RSS Reader 0.6.4, ibibo Farms 1.0, Markets on Mobile 1.0, ibibo iBrowser 2.5, QQ Browrer 2.6, RockeTalk 1.7.2 (Touch), Opera Mini Mod 4.21 Beta 18 (22105), RockeTalk 1.7.3 (No Touch) [Handler]

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Be Advised

Hi, we have heard reports that most of the unofficial handler apps, specifically "imitation" and or "fraud", a "manipulated handler classes" to be exact, are not running and eventually collapses in almost all phone models. e.g. s60 3rd Symbian OS 9.1, 9.2 , 9.3 above, s60 5th, and others to mention.

( Notice: We advise this people not to release this type of apps for it is a disgrace to HUI applications, so as to the maker. )

This "posers" are not aware of this. The apps they generate is "unsafe" to your phones. Nevertheless, no development is expected to whatever they try to achieve. We do not treat this individuals as a threat to us, but we are in deep concern of you our beloved users, especially your device.

We encourage our loyal users to patronize the official HUI releases which we are confident to say "safe" various test are being implemented before lease and issues reported are instantly traced and fixed, "as we know what we do, and what to do."

The Handler UI Management ™

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